Thursday, June 25, 2009



Quite a while ago a few Pukekohe Intermediate School students went to Zone Orienteering and then went to Inter-zone this included me. For Zone we went to Totara Park in Manurewa and Inter-zone we went to Reeves farm in Patamahoe. It was very muddy at Orienteering. The Year 8 boys came 2nd at Zone and 4th at Inter-zone. It was very fun.

Environmental Sustainability

On day 4 Room 23 has Environmental Sustainability lessons with Mrs Nicholson.
We do lots of different activities including cutting apples into pieces to show which parts of the Earth are sustainability and drawing life cycles of natural objects
We learn about our world and how to sustain it.
The lessons are interesting and fun. Mrs Nicholson is a great teacher to work with. She helpful and kind.

Mathletics Gold Bars

These are most of my gold bars for Mathletics, a math site that children from year 2 to year 13 use all around the world. There are 93 gold bars to achieve.

Chocolate Sales

Chocolates were sent out to students during term 2 to be sold. The school has got lots of money from selling the chocolates and is going towards paying for the Year 7's camp next year. The flavors were Caramello and Milk Chocolate. There were over 180 boxes sold. The top seller was Jacob who sold 42 boxes. The leftover money will be going o buy big tents for sports when it is raining and when it is really hot.

Food Tech

Pukekohe Intermediate School run lessons of cooking and baking, the teacher who runs it is named Mrs Garret. She is very skilled in Food Technology and has taught us lots. We have made thick shakes, potato bakes, muffins, cookies, sausages, a peppermint crisp tart and cheese burgers. Others in my class have made butter chicken, sushi, pizza, blueberry muffins and much more. I will take this learning to high school to show my skill.

Tapuae Report

Mrs Hancock, a Pukekohe Intermediate School teacher has started a school wide sport called Tapuae. It involves using a ball and being on a concrete basketball court. The postions are Rovers, Shooters, Guards and Centers. There are 1 guard, 5 shooters, 4 centres and 2 Rovers per team. If you are on the court, you are not allowed to talk and have to clap to get the ball, then you pass it to the center and the center throws it either to the rover who passes it to the shooter or throws it straight to the shooter. The shooters goal is to throw it at the wooden goal in the middle and the guard has to block the ball from hitting it. The team with the most points at the end win.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Mathletics Certificates

The Mural

Last year we studied Maui's Dolphins to get a mural painted on the wall of Room 28. To get that far we had to study them, do mini projects and then eventually write letters to the government. Now we've accomplished all that and have a artist painting the mural right now at this very moment. The artists name is Vanessa Graham and she has designed our mural. There will be later updates.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009